packing insulation câu
Big bodies lose less heat and can carry more insulation.Cơ thể to lớn mất ít nhiệt hơn và dễ cách nhiệt hơn. That's custom-fitted foam...

Is it common for people in America to be packing one of these while on vacation?Người Mỹ đi du lịch cùng cái này là bình thường hả? Sh...

acoustic insulation
Inside (except on the ceiling) there is a rubber coating that protects them against abrasion and helps in the acoustic insulation.Bên t...

batt insulation
While it costs more than traditional batt insulation, liquid foam has twice the R-value per inch and can fill the smallest cavities, cr...

cable insulation
Corona and arcing will lead to eventual cable insulation failure.Các corona và arcing sẽ dẫn đến thất bại cáp cách nhiệt cuối cùng. (3...

ceiling insulation
In many homes ceiling insulation is cheap and easy to fit and can even be topped up.Trong nhiều ngôi nhà cách nhiệt trần là rẻ và dễ dà...

double insulation
Double insulation protected equipment may also be called “Class 2”.Thiết bị cách điện bảo vệ đôi cũng có thể được gọi là “loại 2”. Sec...

electrical insulation
Excellent electrical insulation, very light in weight.cách điện tuyệt vời, rất sáng trong trọng lượng. Moreover, older buildings made ...

fireproof insulation
James Quintiere, of the University of Maryland, US, says he does not understand how fireproof insulation could have been dislodged from...

foil insulation
Try this experiment: hold a sample of foil insulation close to your face, without touching.Hãy thử thí nghiệm sau đây: Giữ một lá nhôm ...

heat insulation
It has excellent heat insulation, brings out the taste of warm foodNó có cách nhiệt tuyệt vời, mang lại hương vị của thức ăn nóng. Dur...

insulation board
(4) hose as far as possible away from the thermal radiation components, the necessary fashion insulation board;(4) vòi càng xa càng tốt...

insulation class
Insulation class: F (stator temperature rise within 80K)Lớp cách điện: F (tăng nhiệt độ stato trong vòng 80K) Thermal Insulation Class...

insulation coordination
IEC 60664 (Insulation coordination for equipment within low-voltage systems)IEC 664: 1980 Insulation coordination for equipment within l...

insulation distance
The stress cone installation will cause the insulation distance within the T body to be smaller, and the semi conductive layer will not...

insulation effect
The thickness is 10mm, the insulation effect is better.Độ dày sản phẩm là 10mm, hiệu ứng giảm tiếng ồn tốt hơn. Insulation: The therma...

insulation efficiency
Because the thermal conductivity of water is 0,58 W / (mK), and therefore about 16 times higher than our insulation, any absorption of ...

insulation fault
In any installation, service continuity in the event of an insulation fault is also directly related to the earthing system.Trong cài đ...

insulation gloves
Insulation gloves are made of special aramid material, gloves, no powder, no particle contaminants, no hair loss and therefore will not...

insulation level
In general the insulation level of the cast resin transformer used in public and in industrial systems shall comply to the requirements...

insulation materials
In addition, Superlon insulation materials have a high oxygen index.Ngoài ra, vật liệu cách nhiệt Superlon có chỉ số oxy cao. This is ...

insulation plate
1950 the United States for the first time in the F-84 combat bombers used as a rear fuselage insulation plate, wind guide, tail cover a...

insulation resistance
4 Insulation resistance (500VDC between terminal and case)Điện trở cách điện 100MΩ/ 500VDC(between Terminal and Case) Insulation resis...

insulation sleeve
2 improve the insulation sleeve.2.Cải thiện đảo chiều bằng cuộn khử. However, users should note that to prevent water from entering th...

insulation strength
7, environmental protection and noise, composite board sound insulation strength of up to 40-50 decibels, is a very effective sound ins...